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Affiliation No.532038 | School Code.42046
Mandatory Disclosure +91 9518664772, 7015639659

Helping Children in their Homework – Should You or Shouldn’t You?

Helping Children in their Homework – Should You or Shouldn’t You?

The temptation to help an anxious kid struggling with a difficult homework can be very strong. It is completely understandable because, at the end of the day, we don’t want our kids to get all worried and anxious, and nothing feels better than to see them succeed and relieved. Besides, there is no harm in giving them a gentle nudge in the right direction if that gets the job done.

But what happens when that ends up being a situation where the child is peacefully dozing off while you are sitting there finishing the work? Well, there is something as too much help it seems!

So, should you help children with their homework or not? We, at The Star Global School, one of the best primary schools in Rohtak, are here with all the answers.

To help or not to help: answering the question

We believe that parents should certainly help in their kids’ homework, but the nature of the help is the crucial thing to consider. For instance, your kids are stuck at some part of an assignment, and you got them an extra book or reading material that will ease out that part of the homework.

Or, maybe your kids ask you to check their homework once after they have completed the work, and you make a few suggestions about the areas that they can improve on. When you help kids with their homework in this manner, there is absolutely no harm in it. In fact, we, at The Star Global School, wholeheartedly encourage such involvement from the parents.

However, the problem lies in extending the help to completing a part or all of their homework on their behalf. When we give homework and assignments to the kids, it is because we believe in the ability of the kids to complete it themselves. Besides, homework also serves as a way to test what they have learned and understood in the classroom. Thus, doing their homework for them puts a cap on their ability to be motivated, challenged, and to learn.

All in all, we can sum up by saying that parents should definitely help kids with their homework, but never go over the top and do it for them on their behalf.

Helping kids handle a challenging homework

We understand that as parents, it is difficult for you to stand back and watch as your children keep on getting anxious and frustrated by the minute with a difficult homework. So, here’s what you can do in such situations:

  • Let the kids ask you for help: Our foremost advice would be to let the kids ask you for help before you get involved in their homework. Let them know that they have to try to solve the issue on their own without calling out for you at the first instance of difficulty.


  • Guide them in the right way: As mentioned before, we firmly believe you should take an interest in their homework to guide them in the right direction. So, help them interpret instructions and break the homework into smaller and easier chunks.


  • Let them take responsibility: Early in the schooling, stop giving children reminders about their homework. Yes, even the gentle ones like “so, how much homework do you have?” Gradually, children will learn to take responsibility for completing their assignments properly and on time.


  • Keep on reassuring the kids: Reassure the kids that you are happy seeing the amount of effort they are putting in. And when they say that they cannot do it, let them know that they can, and they will be successful. After all, the kids look up to you, and you’ve got to be their biggest cheerleader.

At The Star Global School, recognized as the Best Primary School in Rohtak, we believe that letting kids do their homework by themselves while offering the minimum possible help is one of the many effective ways of making them self-learners. So, from now on, take a step back and allow the kids to take it from there. In any case, let alone homework, our young geniuses can do anything they set their minds to!

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Admissions Open 2025-26