Fulfilling the kids’ requirements remains central to every parent’s priority list. However, there is always a fine line that makes all the difference between requirements and obsessions. And it is this difference that is critical to be understood if the aim is to make the kids grow into beings being minus any obsession. While having...Read More
Let’s begin with a simple question – How do you like to see your kids? Happy and confident about themselves or sulking in guilt and frustration? Yes, we know there won’t be any parent on earth who would choose the latter. But then what exactly are you doing to ensure that your little one stays...Read More
Ever heard of the saying, “There is nothing in the world like a parent’s love.”? How true is that, isn’t it! Regardless of the religion, culture, or country, a parent’s love is unadulterated, unmatched, and untainted. And as parents, you would want to bring the best of everything to your kids to ensure their continued...Read More
It is a common belief that the ones who love to study and read can do so at any place. The argument that’s often put forward is that space or facilities do not really matter as knowledge is immaterial, and the physical context becomes secondary to its quest. Going by that belief, the crucial thing...Read More